Key Characteristics Of Resilient Individuals

Resilient people stay positive, focus on what they can control, and believe they can overcome challenges. In this guide, you will learn my favorite traits that help resilient people bounce back from setbacks. Continue reading.

Resilient people have several important traits that help them handle challenging situations and bounce back from setbacks. They stay positive, focus on what they can control, and believe they can overcome challenges. They are also flexible and can change their plans when things are unexpected. Resilient people are good at solving problems and finding ways to deal with obstacles. They can manage their emotions well, staying calm even when things get tough. They have supportive friends, family, and mentors who help them through hard times. They’re confident in themselves and their abilities and stay hopeful about the future. Resilient people see failure as a chance to learn and grow. They also have healthy ways to cope with stress, like exercising or spending time on hobbies. These qualities help resilient people thrive even when life gets tough.

An example of a resilient person is Malala Yousafzai. She is a girl from Pakistan who stood up for girls’ education and was shot in the head by the Taliban when she was 15 years old. Even though this was a challenging experience, Malala did not give up. Instead, she continued to speak out for education and women’s rights. She is an excellent example of resilience because she turned a bad situation into an opportunity to change the world positively.

Positive Outlook 

Resilient individuals tend to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity. They focus on what they can control and maintain optimism about their ability to overcome challenges.

Maintaining a positive outlook is crucial for resilient people as it helps them navigate challenging situations with a growth mindset. 

An example of a resilient person with a positive outlook is an athlete who continues to train despite setbacks or injuries, believing they will eventually achieve their goals. 

According to a Google Scholar article by Fredrickson et al. (2003), maintaining positive emotions increases resilience and well-being. By adopting a positive outlook, resilient people can improve their ability to cope with stress and overcome adversity.

A resilient person maintains a positive outlook by focusing on the good things in life, practicing gratitude, and reframing negative experiences as opportunities for growth.

For Example, when faced with a difficult challenge, a resilient person might say to themselves,

Positive Self-Talk vs. Negative Self-Talk Examples:

1-Positive: “I am capable and confident in my abilities.”

Negative: “I can’t do anything right.”

2-Positive: “Every mistake is a learning opportunity for me.”

Negative: “I’m a failure because I keep making mistakes.”

3-Positive: “I am worthy of love and respect just as I am.”

Negative: “No one will ever love me because I’m not good enough.”

4-Positive: “I have the power to change my situation.”

Negative: “Nothing I do will ever make a difference.”

5-Positive: “I can handle this one step at a time.”

Negative: “This is too overwhelming; I can’t cope.”

6-Positive: “I deserve success and happiness.”

Negative: “Good things never happen to me.”

7-Positive: “I am growing and improving every day.”

Negative: “I’ll never get better no matter how hard I try.”

6-Positive: “I trust myself to make the right decisions.”

Negative: “I always make the wrong choices.”

7-Positive: “I have the strength to get through tough times.”

Negative: “I can’t deal with this; it’s too hard.”

8-Positive: “I believe in my potential and capabilities.”

Negative: “I’m not smart enough to achieve my goals.”

9-Positive: “I am proud of myself for my progress.”

Negative: “I’ll never be good enough no matter what I do.”

10-Positive: “I am in control of my happiness.”

Negative: “I’ll never be happy with my life.”

11-Positive: “I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my life.”

Negative: “Everything always goes wrong for me.”

12-Positive: “I deserve all the good things in life.”

Negative: “I don’t deserve success or happiness.”

13-Positive: “I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks.”

Negative: “I’ll never recover from this failure.”

Practices That Resilient People Use To Maintain A Positive Mindset

1. Practicing gratitude – 

focusing on what they have instead of what they lack.

2. Maintaining a growth mindset – 

viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

3. Cultivating strong relationships – 

having a support system of friends and family.

5. Engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy

 having an outlet for relaxation and enjoyment.

6. Setting realistic goals – 

having something to work towards can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

7. Prioritizing self-care – 

taking time for themselves to recharge and relax.

8. Accepting what they cannot control – 

letting go of things outside their control and focusing on what they can control.

9. Practicing mindfulness 

being present in the moment and aware of their thoughts and emotions.

10. Seeking help when needed 

 reaching out to others for support or professional help when necessary.


 Resilient individuals are flexible and adaptable, able to adjust their approach and behaviors in response to changing circumstances. They are open to new ideas and strategies for coping with difficulties.

Being adaptable is crucial for resilient people because it allows them to pivot and adjust to unexpected changes or challenges that come their way. 

When faced with a challenging academic subject, a resilient student doesn’t let it discourage them. They seek extra help from their teachers and tutors, create a study plan, and spend extra time studying to master the subject matter. Through their hard work and perseverance, they improved their grades and gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the subject. This experience teaches them the value of hard work and determination, and they apply these lessons to other areas of their lives.

Flexibility is essential for recovering from challenging situations, not just in personal life but various other circumstances. 

For instance, 

a small business owner might encounter a sudden drop in sales due to a pandemic. In such a scenario, the skill to quickly adjust and modify their business plan can assist them in surviving such challenging times.

According to a Google Scholar article by Bonanno and Burton, adaptability is a critical component of resilience, allowing individuals to adjust their coping strategies to different situations (Bonanno & Burton, 2013). 

In conclusion, being adaptable is an essential characteristic of resilient people, enabling them to navigate unexpected challenges and bounce back stronger. By sharing personal stories and imaginable scenarios, we can better understand the importance of adaptability for resilience. 

Problem-Solving Skills

 Individuals who are resilient are skilled at solving problems and finding solutions to challenges.They approach problems proactively, seeking resources and support to address obstacles effectively.

Problem-solving skills are crucial for resilient people because they help them handle challenging situations confidently and effectively. 

These individuals can analyze the situation, identify the root cause of the problem, and devise a well-thought-out plan to overcome the challenge. This helps them navigate through the problem smoothly and enables them to bounce back from adversity and emerge stronger than ever before. Therefore, honing problem-solving skills is a crucial step towards developing resilience in individuals.

For Example 

When faced with a difficult cleaning challenge at home, I used my problem-solving skills to break the task into smaller parts and develop a plan to address each component. Firstly, I organized all my cleaning supplies and equipment. Then, I divided my cleaning task into different sections, such as the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. After that, I prioritized the most challenging section and used techniques such as scrubbing, wiping, and dusting to finish the work efficiently. This approach helped me feel more in control of the situation and ultimately led to a successful outcome—a sparkling clean home.

Problem-solving skills can be helpful, including managing personal finances, resolving conflicts with others, and navigating complex bureaucratic systems.

 According to a study by Van Breda and Deane (2017), problem-solving skills positively correlate with resilience and can help individuals cope with adversity more effectively. By developing problem-solving skills, resilient individuals can feel more confident in facing challenges and overcoming obstacles.

Emotional Resilience 

Resilient individuals can manage their emotions effectively and remain calm and composed during stressful situations. They are skilled at coping with negative emotions and maintaining balance and perspective.

Emotional resilience is a key characteristic that enables individuals to maintain a solid mental and emotional well-being even in adversity. People with emotional resilience are better equipped to manage stress, handle difficult situations, adapt to changes, and overcome obstacles without getting overwhelmed. They can remain calm, composed, and focused during challenging times and bounce back from setbacks and failures. Moreover, emotional resilience is not something that people are born with, but it can be developed over time through various practices such as mindfulness, self-care, and positive thinking. By cultivating emotional resilience, individuals can improve their overall quality of life and experience greater happiness.

Imagine a student who failed a test despite studying hard for it. It’s disappointing and discouraging, but with mental resilience, the student can see it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. They may feel upset for a bit, but they soon bounce back and start analyzing where they went wrong, seeking help from their teacher or tutor, and figuring out ways to improve their performance for future tests. This resilience helps them stay motivated, focused, and persistent in their studies, ultimately leading to academic success.

One study, “Emotional Resilience: A Novel Construct for Describing Multiple Dimensions of Resistance to Stress,” by Tugade, Fredrickson, and Barrett (2004), highlights the importance of emotional resilience and how it can help individuals cope with stress and adversity. 

As a symbol of strength and resilience, Dakarai believes that building emotional resilience can tremendously improve an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. By acquiring emotional resilience, Dakarai believes you can effectively cope with life’s challenges and emerge stronger and more capable of achieving success in key areas of your life.

Supportive Surroundings

Resilient individuals have strong support networks of friends, family, and mentors who provide emotional support, encouragement, and guidance during tough times. They are fearless in reaching out for help when needed.

Individuals must have a supportive network of people around them to build resilience in adversity. This support system can come in many forms, such as family, friends, colleagues, or mental health professionals. A strong support system can help individuals cope with challenging situations by providing a sense of security, belonging, and encouragement to pursue their goals and overcome obstacles. Supportive surroundings can help individuals maintain a positive outlook, even in difficult circumstances. This is because having people to talk to and lean on can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are often associated with mental health challenges. 

For instance, when I struggled to improve my sports performance, my coach and teammates provided me with emotional support, technical guidance, and constructive feedback, which helped me stay motivated and persevere through the tough training sessions and competitions. It is also crucial to envision situations where one may require supportive surroundings, such as recovering from an injury, facing a tough opponent, or dealing with a slump in form.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that social support can significantly impact resilience in the face of stress (Cohen & Wills, 1985). 

How Resilient People Find Supportive Surroundings

  1. Building Strong Relationships: A resilient person would reach out to her close friends and family to share her feelings and seek emotional support. They prioritized spending time with those who offered empathy, encouragement, and practical advice, strengthening their support network.
  2. Seeking Positive Environments: Recognizing the impact of their workplace environment on their well-being, a resilient person would evaluate their current workplace culture and seek out opportunities to connect with colleagues who foster positivity and collaboration. They would participate in team-building activities and seek out mentors who provided guidance and encouragement.
  3. Setting Boundaries: A resilient person would identify sources of negativity and toxicity in their social circle and take proactive steps to establish boundaries to protect their mental and emotional health. They would distance themselves from individuals who drained their energy and focus their energy on relationships that uplifted and supported them.
  4. Seeking Professional Support: Understanding the importance of professional guidance during challenging times, a resilient person would schedule sessions with a therapist to process their emotions, gain perspective, and develop coping strategies. A resilient person would recognize the value of seeking help from a trained professional who could offer insights and support tailored to their needs.
  5. Engaging in Supportive Activities: A resilient person would prioritize self-care activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as practicing yoga, painting, and hiking. They would also join a support group for individuals facing similar career challenges, providing them with a sense of belonging and understanding.


Resilient individuals possess a strong sense of self-confidence and self-efficacy. They believe in their ability to overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even in the face of setbacks.

Self-confidence is essential for resilient people because it enables them to believe in themselves and their abilities, even in the face of adversity. Self-confidence allows for a more positive outlook on life, which can help individuals cope with stress and overcome challenges.

 For Example, I remember a time when I was nervous about giving a presentation at work. However, because I had confidence in my abilities and preparation, I delivered a successful presentation and received positive feedback from my colleagues. 

Self-confidence is indeed an essential quality for anyone who wishes to be resilient. It helps you believe in yourself and your abilities, leading to better decision-making and positive outcomes. Here are a few tips on how to use self-confidence:

1. Focus on your strengths: Identify and build upon your strengths and skills. Focusing on what you’re good at will make you feel more confident about your abilities.

2. Take risks: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Taking risks allow you to grow and develop, which can increase your self-confidence.

3. Learn from failures: Failure is a part of life; everyone experiences it. Use your failures as a foundation opportunity to learn and grow rather than letting them bring you down.

4. Practice self-care:

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy can all help boost your self-confidence.

5. Surround yourself with positive people:

who uplift and support you. Positive people can help you see the best in yourself and encourage you to reach your goals.

To better understand this concept, imagine a scenario where two individuals face the same challenge. One has self-confidence, while the other does not. A person with self-confidence is more likely to approach the challenge positively and believe in their ability to overcome it. In contrast, people without self-confidence may feel overwhelmed and defeated before tackling the challenge. 

According to a study by Bandura (1997), self-confidence plays a crucial role in determining an individual’s resilience in the face of adversity. By recognizing the importance of self-confidence, individuals can take steps to build and maintain this trait, ultimately leading to greater resilience and success in all areas of life.


They prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental health and engage in activities that promote well-being.

As a resilient individual, it is imperative to prioritize self-care practices that maintain emotional stability and prevent burnout, which can harm one’s mental and physical well-being. Engaging in activities that promote self-awareness, relaxation, and positive thinking can help build a strong foundation of inner strength and perseverance, allowing a resilient person to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and resilience.  

To maintain emotional stability and prevent burnout, resilient individuals must prioritize self-care. This means taking intentional steps to support physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Exercise, healthy eating, and rest are essential for physical self-care. Emotional self-care can involve:

  • Spending time with loved ones.
  • Engaging in hobbies and interests.
  • Seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

Practicing mindfulness, engaging in positive self-talk, and setting healthy boundaries may be helpful for mental self-care. By prioritizing self-care, resilient individuals can better manage stress, maintain a positive outlook, and thrive even in challenging circumstances.

For Example,

Taking a few minutes daily to meditate helps me clear my mind and focus on the present moment. Additionally, I enjoy running or doing yoga to release tension and boost my energy levels. By practicing self-care regularly, I am better able to handle challenges and bounce back from setbacks.

To better understand the importance of self-care, imagine a scenario where you have been working non-stop for weeks and feel exhausted and overwhelmed. You might notice a decline in mood, productivity, and overall well-being. However, you can recharge your batteries and feel rejuvenated by taking a break and engaging in self-care activities, such as walking, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones. 

According to a study by Slišković and Maslić Seršić (2020), self-care practices are essential for maintaining psychological well-being and reducing stress levels. The authors suggest that individuals who engage in self-care activities are more likely to experience positive emotions, better physical health, and overall life satisfaction.

self-care practices to help you be resilient 

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Taking breaks and relaxing
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation
  • Engaging in hobbies or creative activities
  • Connecting with loved ones and building relationships
  • Setting boundaries and saying no when necessary
  • Seeking professional help or therapy when needed

Communicate Boundaries 

Setting boundaries is crucial for resilient individuals, as it protects their mental and emotional well-being.

As a resilient person, I always agreed to attend every social event that I was invited to, even if I didn’t feel like going. This made me feel drained and uninterested in doing other things I enjoyed. However, once I started setting limits and saying no to events that didn’t interest me, I could focus on the activities I truly enjoyed and felt more fulfilled.

To better understand the importance of boundary-setting, imagine a scenario where you’re constantly being asked to take on extra responsibilities at work without any recognition or compensation.

This can lead to feelings of resentment and burnout, which can ultimately impact your overall performance. By setting clear boundaries and communicating them effectively, you can prevent this from happening and ensure that you can maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

According to a study by Kross et al. (2013), “setting boundaries can lead to greater life satisfaction and a greater sense of well-being.” Communicating your boundaries empowers you to make the best decisions for your mental and emotional health. 

Here are some ways that resilient people set boundaries:

1. They know their limits and communicate them clearly with others.

2. They practice saying no when necessary without feeling guilty or ashamed.

3. They prioritize their well-being by engaging in self-care activities.

4. They surround themselves with positive, supportive people who respect their boundaries.

5. They avoid people or situations that consistently violate their boundaries.

6. They take responsibility for their actions and emotions rather than blaming others.

7. They communicate assertively and respectfully when their boundaries are being crossed.

8. They allow themselves to make mistakes and learn from them.

9. They maintain a sense of humor and perspective, even in challenging situations.

Creating A Motivational Environment 

Like positive self-talk or putting motivational quotes around the house 

Creating a motivational environment is essential for resilient individuals as it cultivates a positive mindset and empowers them to overcome challenges effectively. From personal experience, surrounding myself with motivational influences during tough times significantly impacts my ability to bounce back. Consider a scenario where you encounter a significant setback in your career. Instead of dwelling on negativity, you proactively immerse yourself in a motivational environment. You engage with inspiring books, podcasts, and quotes, seeking wisdom from mentors and role models who have triumphed over similar obstacles. This deliberate choice to foster motivation uplifts your spirits and equips you with the resilience to persevere. Research by Yeager et al. (2014) supports this, demonstrating how exposure to motivational factors enhances resilience by fostering a growth mindset and increasing perseverance. Creating a motivational environment ultimately empowers resilient individuals to maintain focus, motivation, and resilience in adversity.

Creating a motivational environment involves incorporating various strategies to foster a positive mindset and maintain resilience in the face of challenges. This can include engaging in positive self-talk, surrounding oneself with motivational quotes, and decorating living spaces with uplifting imagery. 

Resilient individuals can create a supportive atmosphere that encourages optimism and determination by consciously filling one’s surroundings with positivity and inspiration.

For Example

Place motivational quotes around the house in prominent locations, constantly reminding you of strength and resilience.

 Additionally, Practicing positive self-talk, such as reminding yourself, “I am capable and resourceful,” reinforces a sense of self-belief and helps combat negative thoughts during difficult times. Individuals can boost their confidence and develop a more positive mindset by consciously selecting encouraging and empowering language to speak to themselves.

For Example

instead of comparing oneself negatively to others, saying, “I am not as successful as they are,” one might reframe the situation positively by saying, “I am on my unique journey, and I am making progress at my own pace.” 

This shift in self-talk boosts confidence and rewires the brain to focus on possibilities and solutions rather than dwelling on setbacks. Research by Wood et al. 2018 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology highlights the profound impact of positive self-talk on reducing stress and enhancing resilience. Incorporating positive self-talk into daily routines is a powerful tool for nurturing mental resilience and maintaining a positive mindset, even in adversity.

Dakarai firmly believes that these small, impactful actions contribute to a mindset shift towards empowerment and confidence, reinforcing resilience in the face of adversity. Dakarai believes incorporating these practices into your daily life strengthens your resilience to overcome obstacles. These practices symbolize Dakarai’s life mindset, and Dakarai encourages others like you to adopt them as well.

Research by Luthans et al. (2006) in the Journal of Management further underscores the importance of positive psychological capital, including optimism and self-efficacy, in enhancing resilience. Creating a motivational environment is a proactive strategy for building and sustaining resilience in challenging circumstances.

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