“How To Persevere”: Practices For Overcoming Obstacles

To persevere, break down goals into manageable steps, create a realistic plan, stay motivated by remembering why you started, stay positive, celebrate small wins, and be flexible and adaptable to overcome any challenges that may arise. As there are many ways you can learn to persevere, here are my favorite practices that have greatly helped me to persevere. Check it out

To persevere, you must pursue a goal or task despite facing obstacles and setbacks. To persevere, you must clearly understand your goal, break it down into smaller, manageable steps, and create a realistic plan to achieve it. It is also essential to stay motivated by reminding yourself why you started in the first place, staying positive, and celebrating small wins. Moreover, to persevere, it is essential to be flexible and adaptable, adjusting your plan to overcome any challenges. 

Know What You Want

Dakarai believes that a clear and specific understanding of what you want to achieve can greatly benefit during challenging times. As a symbol of resilience and determination, Dakarai understands the importance of having a well-defined goal that gives you a sense of direction and purpose, especially when everything around you seems uncertain or chaotic. 

Dakarai encourages everyone to have something to work towards, whether it’s a personal objective or a professional milestone, as it can provide you with the motivation and focus you need to keep going despite the obstacles. By having a clear vision of what you want, you can create a roadmap that outlines the steps needed to achieve it, which can help you stay on track and make progress even when the going gets tough.

From personal experience, knowing what you want to achieve can keep you motivated and focused throughout the journey. 

It’s almost like being a sailor on a stormy sea, where the destination is known, but the journey is unpredictable and challenging. However, just like the sailor who must stay on course despite the rough seas, having a clear goal helped me navigate the ups and downs of my fitness journey and ultimately reach my destination.

According to a study by Locke and Latham (2002) on goal-setting theory, having specific and challenging goals significantly enhances performance and persistence. This resonates with my experience—knowing precisely what I wanted made each setback a temporary detour rather than a roadblock, highlighting the profound impact of a clear vision on perseverance.

Stay Positive

Staying positive is crucial for persevering through difficult situations. Maintaining a positive attitude helps shift your focus away from the negative aspects of the situation and towards finding solutions. 

Keeping a positive mindset when encountering challenging and demanding situations is essential. A positive outlook can help you maintain focus, boost your motivation, and help you come up with creative solutions to problems. Taking a step back, evaluating the situation, and approaching it with a clear and positive mindset is crucial. 

For Example 

It’s like having a lantern in a dark cave; positivity helps illuminate the path, shifting your focus away from the negative aspects of the situation and toward finding solutions. This is similar to receiving a complex problem at work, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, a positive mindset turns it into a puzzle waiting to be solved. 

According to the Positive Psychology Movement highlighted by Seligman (1999), a positive outlook isn’t just wishful thinking; it builds resilience and aids in overcoming obstacles. Like a protagonist facing challenges in a story, staying positive isn’t about denying difficulties; embracing them with a mindset that believes every chapter, no matter how tough, leads to a triumphant ending.

According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, maintaining a positive attitude is linked to increased perseverance and motivation in facing challenges (Henderson et al., 2012). By focusing on the positive aspects of a situation and maintaining a can-do attitude, you can better persevere through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side.

Learn From Failure 

Learning from your failures can be a powerful tool to help you persevere. I have faced multiple setbacks but have always tried to learn from them. 

For Example

when I first started working out, I had unrealistic expectations about the results I would achieve in a short amount of time. I became demotivated and almost gave up on my fitness journey when I didn’t see the expected progress. However, I realized I was setting myself up for failure by ignoring the need for a proper diet, rest, and consistency in my workout routine. I learned from my mistake and adjusted my approach by seeking guidance from a personal trainer and nutritionist. I also started tracking my progress to understand what was working and what wasn’t. By doing so, I could make gradual progress and achieve my fitness goals. 

Imagine you set a goal to lose 10 pounds in two weeks and start working out excessively while neglecting your diet. When you don’t see the expected results, you become demotivated and give up on your fitness journey. However, if you learn from your mistakes by seeking guidance from a professional and following a balanced approach, you can achieve your fitness goals.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, learning from failures can increase resilience, self-esteem, and motivation. The study found that people who viewed failures as learning opportunities were likelier to try again and ultimately succeed. In summary, learning from your failures can help you to persevere by providing valuable insights and opportunities for growth. By analyzing your mistakes, identifying areas for improvement, and using them as a learning opportunity, you can increase your chances of success in the future.

Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is crucial for persevering, as it gives you a sense of purpose and direction and helps you stay focused on the outcome you want to achieve. Clear goals can provide a roadmap for your actions and help you prioritize your tasks, ensuring you effectively allocate your time and energy. Without clear goals, you may feel lost or directionless, and staying committed to your objectives can be challenging when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Therefore, outlining your goals and creating a plan can increase your perseverance.

For Example 

when preparing for a marathon last year, setting a clear goal of completing the race within a specific time frame helped me stay motivated and disciplined in my training. The same applies to any other goal, such as learning a new skill, starting a business, or pursuing a degree.

To better understand the importance of setting clear goals, imagine navigating a new city without a map or GPS – you would likely get lost and struggle to find your way. Similarly, you may struggle to overcome obstacles and setbacks without clear goals. 

According to a study by Locke and Latham (2002), setting specific and challenging goals results in higher performance and greater persistence than vague or easy goals. Therefore, setting clear goals is critical to achieving success and staying motivated.

According to another study, Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory (1990), setting specific and challenging goals enhances performance. In other words, having a clear destination sharpens your focus and fuels your perseverance, turning the arduous journey into a series of achievable milestones.

Take Small Steps

Taking small steps can help you to persevere because it allows you to break down a seemingly difficult task into more manageable parts. This approach gives u the confidence to tackle each step individually, building momentum and progressing towards your goal.

For Example 

when I struggled to complete a 10-page essay for my college course, I broke the task down into smaller chunks, such as completing one page daily. This approach made the task much less overwhelming and allowed me to complete the essay on time. 

To help you better understand, Imagine hiking a steep mountain; rather than looking up at the peak, focus on each step and reach the next landmark. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, taking small steps can lead to greater persistence in facing challenges (Gollwitzer et al., 2010). Taking small, concrete steps toward our goals can build the confidence and momentum needed to persevere even when faced with obstacles.

Educate Yourself 

Educating yourself is essential in helping you persevere through challenging times. When you take the time to learn about a particular subject, you gain knowledge and insight that help you navigate difficult situations with more confidence and clarity. Whether it’s through reading books, taking courses, or seeking out the advice of experts, investing in your education is a powerful tool for building perseverance in the face of challenges.

In my personal experience, I have encountered a challenging situation in my workplace that required me to take action. At that time, I realized that I lacked the knowledge and expertise to handle the issue effectively. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and educate myself on the topic. I spent several hours reading articles and watching videos to better understand the problem. It was a time-consuming process, but it paid off. In the end, I was able to tackle the issue. The experience taught me the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement. I have since made it a habit to educate myself with information in my field when dealing with or going into a difficult situation.

If you can imagine a scenario where you are facing a similar challenge, taking the time to educate yourself can give you the tools to overcome it. For example, if you are struggling with a personal issue, researching and learning about the subject can help you feel more confident and prepared. 

According to a study by Google Scholar, “Individuals who engage in more self-education tend to have higher levels of self-efficacy and confidence in their abilities” (Bartimote-Aufflick et al., 2016). 

As a symbol, Dakarai firmly believes that educating yourself is a crucial step towards persevering through difficult times. By learning and understanding the situation, you can gain the confidence and knowledge required to push through and emerge stronger on the other side.

Maintain Consistency

Maintaining consistency can be a key factor in persevering towards achieving a goal. Dakarai strongly believes in the power of setting small, achievable goals and consistently working towards them. As a symbol of perseverance, Dakarai knows this approach can help you build the confidence and momentum needed to keep pushing forward.

When preparing for a boxing competition, I set a goal to train at least five days a week, including strength and endurance workouts. I gradually increased my sparring time as the competition approached. Consistently sticking to this routine helped me build my stamina, improve my technique, and increase my chances of winning the competition. By staying consistent with it daily, I felt more confident in my abilities and motivated to push myself beyond my limits. My hard work and determination ultimately paid off, and I won the competition.

To provide some context, let’s consider a couple of imaginable scenarios that will help u understand the concept better. A high school student who wants to improve their grades and academic performance. In this case, the student could aim to achieve their goal by committing to a consistent study schedule, such as studying for a set number of hours each day and reviewing their notes regularly. 

Another scenario could be a writer who is working on a novel. To meet their goal of finishing the book, the writer could establish a consistent writing schedule, such as writing for a set number of hours or words each day. 

According to a study by Duckworth et al. (2016), consistency in pursuing long-term goals is a crucial predictor of success. By maintaining consistency, we can develop the discipline and resilience needed to overcome obstacles and persevere towards our goals.

Take Small Steps

Taking small steps can be incredibly helpful in persevering towards a goal. Darkrai believes that breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can help you feel less overwhelmed and more confident in your ability to accomplish a task.

For example

when studying for a difficult exam, I would break down the material into smaller sections and tackle each individually. This helped me stay motivated and focused and ultimately led to my success on the exam. 

Imaginably, someone who wants to start exercising can walk for 10 minutes every day and then gradually increase the time and intensity of their workout. 

A relatable Google Scholar article by Latham and Brown (2020) highlights the importance of taking small steps in achieving goals and states that “small wins can lead to big gains” (p. 25). By taking small steps, we can build momentum and increase our confidence in our ability to persevere toward our goals.

Take Care Of Yourself 

Taking care of oneself is crucial for persevering through difficult times. Dakarai strongly believes in prioritizing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As a symbol of resilience, Dakarai understands the importance of caring for oneself to overcome challenges and setbacks.

Last year, I had to plan and execute a significant event. It was an assignment with many moving parts and tight deadlines. To manage my stress and stay on top of everything, I created a detailed project plan, delegated tasks to my team, and took short breaks throughout the day to clear my mind. I also made sure to get enough sleep each night and to eat healthy meals. Taking care of myself and being organized, I could pull off the event successfully without any major issues.

In addition to personal anecdotes, research supports the idea that self-care can help with resilience. A study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that self-care practices, such as exercise, relaxation, and social support, were positively related to resilience levels in college students (Huang et al., 2018).

To better understand how self-care can aid in perseverance, imagine two individuals experiencing the same high-pressure work situation. One individual neglects their self-care and works long hours, eats fast food, and doesn’t take breaks. The other individual prioritizes self-care and makes time for exercise, healthy meals, and relaxation techniques. In this scenario, individuals who care for themselves are more likely to persevere and succeed in the long run.

Dakarai firmly believes in the importance of taking care of oneself. Dakarai believes you can cultivate the inner strength to overcome stress and challenges by prioritizing self-care. Dakarai sees self-care as a key factor in achieving success and well-being and encourages you to make it a priority in your lives.


Huang, J. L., Curran, T., Keeney, J., Poposki, E. M., & DeShon, R. P. (2018). Self-care and resilience in psychology graduate training. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(3), 309–319. 

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