Do I recommend this book? Wholeheartedly.
This book contains valuable inspiration and tools to help you evolve your personal and professional mindset,
no matter how many obstacles or difficult tasks you face in your personal life.
I recommend this book to anyone who has not given up on their dreams because it is about defying odds and overcoming obstacles.
Throughout my research, I have discovered the most valuable information for you on why this book is a good fit for you and how to determine whether it is worth your time to read it. This is what I found.
This book is best suited for anyone seeking a fresh approach to fitness,
anyone recovering from abuse who needs the motivation to start over and become their best self,
and anyone going through a challenging situation who needs support.
In The book”Can’t Hurt Me” one of the toughest people on earth teaches us what it takes to master our minds.
This person overcame significant challenges to become who they are today. After finishing this,
you will be prepared to stop making excuses, do, and improve yourself more than ever.
David Goggins describes how he overcame poverty and abuse to become one of the best endurance athletes in the world.
His experience shows how mental discipline, perseverance, and making friends with pain can enable you to accomplish the unthinkable.
I am an affiliate of this product. However, I could be an affiliate for many different products,
but I specifically chose this one because it is the one I actually like and recommend. By using my links, you help support this website. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link
Quick Summary

David Goggins grew up in poverty and overcame physical abuse through self-discipline, mental toughness, and hard work.
Goggins transformed himself from a depressed,
overweight young man with no future into a US Armed Forces icon and one of the world’s top endurance athletes.

Why Did The Author Write This Book?

Gogins never intended to write this book for fame or fortune; instead, he wrote it to change who he was mentally.
To face his challenges head-on rather than putting them to the side.
Essentially Googins wrote this book to reflect on his achievements and inspire others through his story.
Googins wrote this book as a tool for personal growth and self-empowerment,
hoping that his story would motivate readers to take responsibility for their lives and make changes to improve themselves.
What The Book Teaches
Teach you to follow in his footsteps to overcome any obstacle in your life through perseverance, hard work,
and many other positive habits. This will assist you in becoming the best version of yourself and improving your overall well-being.
Following these principles set by him will enable you to reach greater success in your life, no matter the circumstances.
If you have or are struggling with developing a mindset to become a better version of yourself,
this is a must-have on amazon.com Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link.
Recognize Your Setbacks.
To change your circumstances,
the book can’t hurt me teaches that you must first identify your obstacles or”bad hands” The book can’t hurt me instructs you to write down everything that is holding you back.
Once these obstacles have been identified, the book can’t hurt me encourages you to develop an action plan to address them.
Here is a quick list of things that may be holding you back or that can assist you in identifying how to write down what is holding you back.
Track Your Goals
The book can’t hurt me teaches you to believe in yourself, write down your daily goals,
and place reminders throughout your environment to motivate you to complete today’s tasks.
Through these simple steps, the book can’t hurt me believes that anyone can reach their potential and develop habits that will bring success;
the book can’t hurt me” method of goal-setting is based on the notion that one’s thoughts become their actions,
and by putting pen to paper, one can take a simple but powerful step towards success.
Make a list of your goals and limitations. Be truthful to yourself. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link,
will really help with implementing the right strategies that suit your needs.
Visualize Success
The book can’t hurt me encourages visualization to attain success.
The book can’t hurt me instructs you to visualize your success ahead of time. Visualize all of the obstacles you will have to overcome.
Teaches you to visualize your success and will motivate you to achieve the results you desire.
And develop a focused mindset by teaching you how to help you create a strategic visualization that will help you be as ready to complete your task as possible.
Acknowledge Your Past Successes
The book can’t hurt me teaches you to never give up when you are almost to the finish line by reminding you of all the obstacles you have overcome in the past.
The book believes that if you have made it this far and survived the toughest challenges,
you can push forward and make it to the end.
Push Beyond Your Limits
The book can’t hurt me Teaches you to overcome obstacles and push yourself beyond your previous accomplishments.
Do 5 more pushups if you have only done 10 so far. Challenges such as this teach us that even when we feel like giving up,
there is always more potential within us to accomplish a goal.
The book can’t hurt me teaches you to constantly push yourself to become a better version of yourself than you were before.
David Goggins teaches that pushing yourself harder every day will allow you to improve without negatively impacting your overall well-being.
In fact, there are countless ways to motivate yourself to push yourself beyond your limits. In this book, find out more. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link.
Keep Challenging Yourself.
The book can’t hurt me Teaches you how to push yourself to new heights and achieve even greater things after you have accomplished your goals.
David Goggins teaches you not just to sit at the pinnacle of your accomplishments but to use them as inspiration to achieve even more.
As a result of the book can’t hurt me teachings,
you learn how to be content with your accomplishments and successes and use them as motivation to reach even higher goals.
Learn From Your Failure
The book can’t hurt me teaches you to repeatedly face your obstacles in order to adapt and learn better and more efficient solutions,
ultimately overcoming your obstacles and evolving into a better version of yourself each time.
David Goggins” philosophy encourages you to meet your difficulties ahead and, instead of feeling defeated by them,
use them as an opportunity to grow and become more resilient.
Gogins teaches you how to push yourself out of your comfort zone and identify and track what makes you uncomfortable.
Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link– If you want to see some of the elements that will help you learn from your failures, buy this book.
Use Negativity To Your Advantage.
David Goggins teaches when you are prepared to face any challenge but are in a negative environment where people doubt or say you can’t.
Something like your boss not giving you the promotion you deserve or your school not providing you with the necessary financial aid.
David Goggins teaches you to use negativity to motivate and inspire yourself to prove that you are capable regardless of your circumstances or who tells you no.
It is a reminder that no one can define your limits and capabilities but yourself.
Use Your Time More Wisely.
The book can’t hurt me teaches you to create a schedule and limit your time spent on social media and video games to devote more time to yourself and your future.
David Goggins encourages you to use the time you save from limiting yourself to these activities to do things that will benefit you in the long term,
such as reading, developing a new skill or hobby, and exploring different career paths.
The book can’t hurt me encourages you to use this extra time to focus on self-reflection, developing skills and knowledge,
and furthering your personal growth. If you are looking for a resource to teach you how to spend more time improving yourself,
I would highly recommend this book from Amazon.Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link
Why Are The Benefits Of This Book Important
Recognize Your Setbacks.
Recognize that setbacks are essential because they teach you how to prepare for future setbacks,
which is the first step in overcoming them. Recognizing your setbacks helps you determine what went wrong to prevent it from happening again.
Understanding professional success as a journey with ups and downs is the foundation of long-term success.
You may experience frustration, sadness, disappointment, or anger when dealing with setbacks;
however, Understanding your setbacks teaches you that how you react to the outcomes and emotions defines who you are.
Recognizing your setbacks helps you to learn from what adversity has taught us about yourself to advance.
Keep track of the events that led up to a setback.
Recognize that you will need time to reflect on what has happened after a setback.
Use the momentum created by your difficult circumstances to propel yourself forward.
This experience may shape your personality. Use the momentum created by your difficult circumstances to push yourself forward.
There is always something you can learn from a setback. This experience may shape your personality.
Because the difficulty of a task indicates that it requires more skill, you have more to learn.
It is critical to learn how to overcome your setbacks once you have recognized them. In this article, I go into greater depth. How To Handle Setbacks And Learn From Them
Track Your Goals
If you ever feel like giving up, keeping track of your goals will help you remember your list of all the benefits of achieving your goal.
The more justifications you have for continuing, the less likely you are to give up.
Tracking your goals can help you find and work toward something that interests you. It does not matter how difficult it is,
as long as it is for your own sake and not for the sake of others— Writing down and tracking your goals that are related to who or what you value in your life increases the likelihood that you will stick to them.
Even if your goal is not to walk 100 miles, making a plan or conducting research will help you get started.
There is no excuse, even if you are unsure where to begin. Life objectives represent something other than the daily grind.
Tracking your goals enables you to pursue your chosen authentic goals and feel a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.
Make a list of small daily goals that you will complete regardless of the circumstances. To keep track of your progress,
set time limits and short- and long-term goals for yourself.
Your motivation to keep working toward that goal will grow as you visualize it more.
Visualize Your Success
Visualizing your successes is essential for re-energizing your motivation. This will assist you.
Determine whether you are willing to forego your objectives.
Consider reconnecting with why you are doing something you enjoy if you are on the verge of quitting.
Visualizing your success will assist you. Make a list and write down the top three reasons for your decision.
Then, whenever you are about to give up, pull out that piece of paper and remind yourself of your core values.
It is beneficial to visualize your success when you do not give up and believe that anything is possible.
You will go to any length to achieve success if it is your only option.
You begin to see the cost of not devoting all of your energy and focus to your objectives.
Regardless of the circumstances, you can step outside your comfort zone and achieve your goals with hard work and determination.
Acknowledge Your Past Successes
It is important to remember your past successes when dealing with setbacks. Consider your thoughts and feelings,
your actions, and the obstacles you have overcome. Recognize and appreciate your efforts in achieving your goal.
Consider struggling to be a wonderful gift as you progress toward great success. Recognizing your ability to overcome the obstacles you face.
If you give up now, all of your efforts to get to this point will have been for naught.
Reflecting on your previous successes is another way to motivate yourself to keep going.
You can do it if you have done it before and been successful. Remembering your past successes can help you stay motivated when you want to give up.
This will assist you in reflecting on what you have learned, your actions, and the obstacles you have overcome.
Recognize and appreciate your efforts in reaching your goal.
Remembering your previous successes will help you see the struggle as a beautiful gift as you progress toward great success.
Believe in your ability to overcome the obstacles you face.
This will assist you in realizing All of your previous efforts to reach this point will only be worthwhile if you give up now.
It would be even more upsetting to learn that all of your efforts in pursuing your dream were futile. Remembering your previous experiences
Learning to recognize past successes is closely related to embracing your unique qualities; if this interests you, keep reading. Importance Of Embracing Your Unique Qualities
Push Beyond Your Limits
Pushing yourself beyond your limits gives you the mindset to constantly break down new barriers to success,
to continually improve and better yourself, and to keep discovering new levels of yourself.
It assists you in overcoming obstacles so that you can reach your full potential. Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone allows you to adapt to and overcome adversity.
This contributes to the definition of”resilience” Pushing yourself beyond your limits teaches you to keep trying and persevering,
as well as how to respond creatively and constructively to setbacks.
Pushing yourself to your limits instills in you the mindset to constantly break down new barriers to your success,
continually improving to become a better version of yourself. Continuing to discover a new level of yourself,
and overcoming obstacles to reach your full potential, requires pushing yourself beyond your limits.
Personal development teaches you how to adapt to and recover from adversity.
This helps define your” resilience” Personal development teaches you to keep trying and persevering when you repeatedly fail,
as well as how to respond to setbacks creatively and constructively.
Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone enables you to keep a positive attitude in adversity.
To turn challenges into opportunities, shift your mindset.
The Importance Of Never Giving Up. If you want to see some factors contributing to never giving up and pushing beyond your limits, read this article.
Reading this article will help you learn more about the importance of taking risks to push yourself beyond your limits. 11 Reasons Why It’s Good to Take Risks
Keep Challenging Yourself.
By pushing yourself to take on new challenges,
you can broaden your knowledge and skills in more areas of your industry.
Taking on new challenges allows you to grow. Challenges inspire you to learn new things, take risks,
and improve your overall well-being. Never giving up encourages you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and increases your chances of accepting challenges that will push you to improve.
By continuing to challenge yourself, You will realize that it was all worthwhile once you arrive at your destination,
no matter how difficult the going becomes. Continuing to challenge yourself will assist you in learning this.
Everybody faces obstacles in life that tempt us to give up. We need inspiration right now, whether it comes from a video,
an inspirational quote, a heart-to-heart conversation, a romantic connection, a set of dreams and goals, or just life.
Never surrender by challenging yourself. Anxiety is caused by uncertainty. Consider your motivation whenever you feel like giving up.
You will progress much faster if you push yourself, work hard, step outside your comfort zone, and challenge yourself.
Putting yourself to the test and venturing outside your comfort zone teaches you that taking a chance to succeed is preferable to taking no chances when dealing with setbacks.
If you want to stop acting out of fear, you must decide that your dreams are more important than your fear of failing.
Take a look at this helpful guide to help you keep pushing yourself:12 Ways to Avoid Giving Up During Difficult Times
Learn From Your Failure
Learning from your failures can be beneficial. Recognize and appreciate your efforts in achieving your goal.
Consider your difficulties a wonderful gift as you work to great success.
Have faith in your ability to overcome the obstacles you face. If you give up now, all of your previous efforts to reach this point will be in vain.
You can try it again if you have done it successfully before. Learning from your failures can be beneficial.
Recognize and appreciate your efforts in achieving your goal. Consider your difficulties a wonderful gift as you work to great success.
Have faith in your ability to overcome the obstacles you face. If you give up now, all of your previous efforts to reach this point will be in vain.
You can try it again if you have done it successfully before.
You can benefit from learning from your mistakes by observing your mental and emotional health before making decisions and using the momentum created by a difficult situation to propel you forward.
The more difficult a task is, the more there is to learn because it requires more effort.
This experience can help you grow as a person. Ask yourself:
- What can you take away from this situation?
- How can you improve on it?
- Was it brought on by poor planning, preparation, or execution?
- Discover what went wrong and why
- Then make necessary corrections.
Use Your Time More Wisely.
I understand how it feels to have a mountain of work and not enough time to complete it all.
However, by creating a schedule, using a timer, and managing your time wisely, you can train your brain to focus for a set amount of time.
Set a 30-minute timer and focus on completing the task within that time frame. Take 5-minute breaks between tasks.
Maintain consistency to help you develop/improve your concentration.
Fill your schedule with only items that will help you live a more meaningful and productive life—removing any impediments to your goals and remaining focused on what is important.
Managing your time effectively allows you to focus on the task while minimizing distractions,
which can be a worthwhile professional goal.
Dealing with unnecessary distractions daily reduces productivity, accuracy, and efficiency,
resulting in more work and significant effort. You develop the habit of minimizing potential distractions when you track your time with a schedule or calendar.
You can set your online profile to”do not disturb” when you work best during peak hours.
You can also make it a habit to check your email once a day to focus on other important tasks.
If you happen to want to learn how to focus on your goals or a task and properly prioritize your time, here are 24 Simple Ways To Help You Stay Focused In 2023
How Has This Book Helped Me-Whats Its Benefits
From David Goggins’ “third Navy Seal” Hell Week (one of the world’s most challenging army training programs) training and the development of a mindset to help him overcome his obstacles,
He never gave up, no matter how much pain or a broken foot he was in.
The book”Can’t Hurt Me” taught me that the only way to lose is to give up, push past your limits, and overcome setbacks.
Through David Goggins’ inspiring story in the book can’t Hurt Me,
I learned that the human spirit could achieve anything when one has a goal and the determination to achieve it.
David’s life experiences have given me huge leadership inspiration to keep pushing through hardship and adversity.
He reminds me to set bold, specific goals and to keep going until they are all accomplished.
The ideology”Can’t Hurt Me” is good to use when trying to push your mental limits and reach your full potential.
You, too, can be inspired, as I was, to push yourself beyond your limits by purchasing this book. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link
What Makes This Book Unique
It is an inspiring story, and through Goggin’s storytelling,
he inspires you to be the best version of yourself by cultivating a mindset that pushes you beyond your limits.
This book is unique in that it is told from the perspective of someone who has dealt with weight loss, breaking world records,
enduring the most brutal army training three times with a broken foot, racism, abuse, and growing up in poverty.
Goggins” story is unique because he has overcome everything,
starting from nothing, and he shows relatability to you, the reader.
Goggins” story is both inspiring and relatable,
pushing readers to believe that anything is possible no matter where you come from or what you have been through.
He provides valuable insight that can be used to fortify a success mindset and eliminate doubt.
You should read this book if you doubt yourself and frequently feel like you need help to accomplish a task.
And if you happen to be interested in cultivating your mindset, here’s a book I personally recommend you read on Amazon. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link
Why You Should Buy- Pros And Cons
I am an affiliate of this product. However, I could be an affiliate for many different products,
but I specifically chose this one because it is the one I actually like and recommend.
By using my links, you help support this website. Can’t Hurt Me: by David Goggins -paid link