11 Simple Tips On How To Develop Good Habits

Developing good habits requires consistent effort and a strategic approach. There are many ways to create good habits; here’s a step-by-step guide to help you develop and maintain good habits.

One strategy that can help you develop good habits is using reminders. Reminders can be alarms, notifications, or visual cues that prompt us to engage in our desired habits. By setting reminders at strategic times and places, we can increase our chances of following through with our goals.

Another powerful strategy is to create a supportive environment. Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our behaviors, so making it conducive to our new habits is essential. This could involve decluttering our space, organizing necessary resources, or seeking like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and accountability.

Tracking our progress is also essential for habit formation. Keeping a record of our daily activities and monitoring our achievements allows us to see how far we’ve come and motivates us to continue. Whether using a habit tracker app or maintaining a journal, finding a tracking method that works for us can significantly enhance our habit-building journey.

Additionally, it’s beneficial to practice positive self-talk and cultivate a growth mindset. Our inner dialogue profoundly impacts our behavior, so replacing negative thoughts with affirmations and embracing the belief that we can change and improve is critical. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, we can overcome obstacles and stay committed to our new habits.

Lastly, incorporating rewards and celebrations into our habit-formation process can be highly motivating. Recognizing and celebrating small milestones reinforces positive behavior and boosts our confidence. It’s essential to choose rewards that align with our values and are meaningful to us, whether treating ourselves to something special or engaging in a favorite activity.

1-Choose The Habit That Aligns With Your Values

Choosing a habit that aligns with your values can help you develop good habits because staying committed to the habit becomes easier when you are motivated by something important. Additionally, when a habit aligns with your values, it feels more meaningful and purposeful, providing satisfaction and fulfillment. This can help increase your overall motivation and make it easier to stick to the habit, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Select a habit that aligns with your goals, values, and well-being. Start with one 

habit at a time to avoid overwhelming yourself.

Here is a List Of Good Habits Across Different Aspects Of Life to help you find habits that align with your values

2-Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals can help you develop good habits by providing a clear direction and purpose. When you have a specific goal, you are more likely to focus your efforts and take the necessary steps to achieve it. This can help you establish a routine and create good habits that support your goals. Additionally, setting clear goals allows you to track your progress and measure your success. By regularly monitoring your progress, you can adjust your habits and behaviors to ensure you are on track to achieve your goals.

Setting clear goals can help you develop good habits by providing a clear direction and purpose for your actions. 

Define a clear and achievable goal related to the habit you want to develop. Make sure

Your goal is specific, measurable, and realistic.

For example, 

When I wanted to start developing a habit of exercising regularly, I set a specific goal to go for a 30-minute walk every day after work. This goal was measurable because I could track my progress each day, and it was realistic because it fit into my schedule and was something I knew I could achieve. By setting a clear and achievable goal, I successfully developed the habit of exercising regularly and improved my overall health.

Check out this monthly program that provides tools and actionable strategies to help you set, track, and achieve your goals. Goals On Track program

3-Start Small

Starting small can help you develop good habits by breaking big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach can help you build momentum and motivation as you see progress towards your goal. Additionally, starting with small tasks can help you establish consistency in your routine, essential for maintaining good habits over time. By creating small and gradually increasing the difficulty of your tasks, you can develop the discipline and resilience needed to achieve your goals.

Starting small can help you develop good habits by making them more manageable and less overwhelming. 

For example,

 If your goal is to exercise regularly, starting with a 10-minute walk daily can make it easier to stick to the habit consistently.

4-Be Consistent

Consistency is key to habit formation. Perform the habit simultaneously and in the same context every day. This helps reinforce the habit loop in your brain.

Being consistent can help you develop good habits in several ways:

  1. When you consistently perform a particular action or behavior, it becomes easier to stick to it and eventually becomes a habit.
  2. Consistent behavior helps to reinforce positive actions and helps to eliminate negative ones.
  3. Being consistent helps create a sense of discipline and order in your life, leading to increased productivity and success.
  4. Consistent behavior can help build trust and credibility with others, which is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

5-Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress can help you develop good habits by giving you a clear picture of your performance over time. By regularly monitoring and assessing your behavior, you can identify patterns and trends that may be hindering your progress, as well as opportunities for improvement. This can help you stay motivated, adjust your approach, and achieve your goals more effectively. Tracking your progress can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as you progress toward your desired outcome.

Keep a record of your habit-building journey. Use a habit tracker app, journal, or calendar to mark each successful completion.

A habit tracker app is one of the best ways to track your progress and develop good habits. There are many apps available for you. such as 

  • HabitBull: HabitBull is a user-friendly habit tracker that allows you to set and monitor your habits. It provides statistics and streaks to help you stay motivated.
  • Streaks: This iOS-exclusive app is known for its simple and elegant design. It focuses on helping you build a streak of consecutive days for each habit you want to cultivate.
  • Habitica: Habitica turns habit-building into a game. It gamifies your life, allowing you to earn rewards and level up as you complete tasks and build habits.
  • Todoist: While primarily a to-do list app, Todoist also has robust habit-tracking features. You can set recurring tasks for your habits and track your progress over time.
  • Strides: Strides offers many goal and habit-tracking options, from daily habits to long-term goals. It provides detailed charts and analytics.
  • Coach. Me: Coach. Me offers both habit-tracking and coaching services. You can track habits, join communities, and even hire a personal coach for specific goals.
  • Habitify: Habitify is available on multiple platforms and focuses on helping you build streaks and form lasting habits through consistency.
  • HabitHub: This app combines habit tracking with a calendar view, making it easy to see your habits and progress over time.
  • MyFitnessPal: If your habits are related to health and fitness, MyFitnessPal is an excellent app for tracking nutrition and exercise goals.

You can use these apps to set specific goals and track your progress. Additionally, you can set reminders and create a daily routine to help you stay on track. It’s also a good idea to regularly review your progress and adjust your habits if necessary. By tracking your progress, you can stay motivated and develop good habits to help you reach your goals.

Learning to track your goals can be done in various ways. Here’s how: 9 Tips To Help You Start Tracking Your Goals.

6-Visual Reminders

Visual reminders can be a powerful tool for developing good habits. By placing reminders in visible locations, such as on a mirror or refrigerator, you can create visual cues that motivate you to take action toward your goals. For example, reminding you to drink water on the kitchen counter can help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Similarly, a reminder to do a quick exercise routine can encourage you to get up and move more frequently. By incorporating visual reminders into your daily routines, you can reinforce positive habits and make them a natural part of your life.

Place visual cues in your environment that remind you of your habit. It could be a sticky note, a visual representation, or an item associated with the habit.


Accountability can be a powerful tool for developing good habits. When we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, we are more likely to stay committed to our goals and make consistent progress. It gives us a sense of responsibility and ownership over our habits, pushing us to take the necessary steps towards positive change. Additionally, accountability creates a support system where we can seek guidance, encouragement, and feedback from others, further enhancing our ability to develop and maintain good habits.

A good practice is sharing your habit goal with a friend, family member, or accountability partner who can provide encouragement and hold you responsible.

8-Overcome Obstacles

Overcoming obstacles can help you develop good habits by teaching you resilience and perseverance. You must develop creative solutions and push through difficulties when faced with challenges. This problem-solving process and going past barriers can instill discipline and determination, essential qualities for developing good habits.

Identify potential challenges that might hinder your progress. Develop strategies to overcome these obstacles, such as finding alternatives or adjusting your approach.

If you struggle with overcoming your obstacles, this article will greatly assist you. 12 Ways to Avoid Giving Up During Difficult Times.

9-Reflect And Adjust

Reflecting and adjusting can be powerful tools for developing good habits. By reflecting on your current habits and identifying areas for improvement, you can make adjustments that help you form better habits over time. 

Regularly review your progress. Adjust your approach or modify your habit to ensure it remains effective and sustainable.

I highly recommend a great resource that can help you with self-reflection called 11 Simple Ways To Help You Self Reflect

Keep going if you miss a day or encounter a setback. Learn from the experience, understand what led to the event, and get back on track.

For example, 

If you tend to procrastinate on specific tasks, you can reflect on why and adjust your schedule or approach to those tasks to help you stay on track. 

With consistent reflection and adjustment, you can develop strong habits that support your goals and help you succeed.

10-Combine Habits

Combining habits can help you develop good habits by creating a routine that becomes easier to follow over time. When you combine a new habit with an existing one, it becomes a natural part of your day and is simpler to maintain. 

Combine your new habit with an existing one that comes naturally to you. For example, if you want to read more, do it right after coffee.

For example,

 if you want to start a daily meditation practice but struggle to find the time, you could pair it with your morning coffee ritual. After a few weeks of consistently doing both together, it will become easier to continue the habit. The key is to start small and build up gradually over time.

I like to associate my new habits with an existing routine or trigger. 

For example, 

I started meditating right after brushing my teeth in the morning. It’s a great way to ensure that I stick to my new habit and make it a part of my daily routine.

Here are some examples of habits you can combine

  • Drinking a glass of water before breakfast
  • Doing a quick workout before taking a shower
  • Listening to an audiobook while going for a walk
  • Doing some stretches while watching TV
  • Practicing gratitude while brushing your teeth before bed
  • Reading for 15 minutes before going to sleep
  • Practicing mindfulness while doing household chores
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator and doing some deep breathing exercises
  • Practicing a new language while cooking dinner
  • Walking after lunch to help with digestion and get some fresh air.

For more examples, Here is a List Of Good Habits Across Different Aspects Of Life to give you an idea of what habits you can combine.

11-Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating your achievements and milestones is another excellent tool for developing good habits. Acknowledge your progress and use these celebrations to motivate yourself.

Reward yourself for sticking to your habit. This could be a small treat, a moment of relaxation, or anything that brings you joy.

Celebrating milestones can help you develop good habits in several ways:

  1. It provides a sense of accomplishment and can motivate you to continue your journey towards reaching your goals.
  2. It helps you track your progress and identify areas to improve.
  3. Celebrating milestones can help you appreciate the journey and enjoy the process rather than just focusing on the result.

Celebrating milestones can be a powerful tool for developing good habits and achieving success.

Here are some examples of how you can celebrate your milestones to help develop good habits:

1. Treat yourself to a nice meal or snack

2. Take a day off from work or school

3. Buy yourself a small gift or item you’ve been wanting

4. Go out with friends or family to celebrate

5. Take a relaxing day trip or vacation

6. Do something you enjoy but have not had time for lately.

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